How Jekyll Works For Frontend Web Developers

Jekyll is a popular static site generator that allows developers to build websites quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will explain how Jekyll works and how developers can use it to create dynamic, scalable, and maintainable websites. We will also discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of using Jekyll in development.

What is Jekyll?

Jekyll is a static site generator that is built with the Ruby programming language. It was created by Tom Preston-Werner in 2008, and it has since become a popular tool for building static websites, blogs, and documentation sites. Jekyll converts plain text files written in Markdown, HTML, or Liquid into a static website that can be served to users without any server-side processing.

How Does Jekyll Work?

Jekyll works by taking a set of plain text files that are written in a Markdown, HTML, or Liquid, and turning them into a static website. The process of building a Jekyll site typically involves the following steps:

  1. Setting up the environment: Developers need to install Ruby and Jekyll on their development environment before they can start using it. They can use the command line to create a new Jekyll project, install dependencies, and build the website.
  2. Creating content: Developers can create content in Markdown, HTML, or Liquid files, and organize them in a directory structure that reflects the website’s architecture. They can also use front matter to add metadata to their content, such as titles, dates, categories, tags, and layout.
  3. Defining templates: Developers can define templates using Liquid, a simple templating language that allows them to reuse HTML code and insert dynamic content. Templates define the structure and layout of the website and are used to generate static pages.
  4. Building the website: Developers can use the command line to run Jekyll, which will read the content and templates and generate a static website in the /_site directory. Jekyll can also generate a development server that will watch for changes and rebuild the site automatically.
  5. Publishing the website: Developers can publish the static website to a web server or a hosting service, such as GitHub Pages, Netlify, or AWS S3. They can also use a continuous integration service, such as Travis CI or CircleCI, to automate the deployment process.

Example: Building a Blog with Jekyll

Let’s say that you want to create a blog with Jekyll. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Create a new Jekyll project: Use the command line to create a new Jekyll project, or clone an existing Jekyll project from GitHub.
  2. Define the architecture: Create a directory structure that reflects the website’s architecture. For example, you can create a /_posts directory to store blog posts, an /_includes directory to store reusable templates, and a /_layouts directory to store page templates.
  3. Create content: Create blog posts in Markdown files, and add front matter to each post to specify its title, date, author, categories, tags, and layout.
  4. Define templates: Create templates using Liquid that define the structure and layout of the website, and insert dynamic content using variables, loops, and conditionals.
  5. Build the website: Use the command line to run Jekyll, which will generate a static website in the /_site directory.
  6. Publish the website: Publish the static website to a web server or a hosting service, such as GitHub Pages or Netlify, using a continuous integration service like Travis CI or CircleCI.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Jekyll

Jekyll has several benefits that make it an excellent choice for developers:

  • Speed and performance: Jekyll generates a static website, which means that it does not require any server-side processing. This results in faster page load times, improved performance, and better search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Ease of use: Jekyll is easy to learn and use, especially for developers who are familiar with Markdown, HTML, and Liquid. It also has a large and active community that provides documentation, tutorials, and plugins.
  • Customization: Jekyll is highly customizable and extensible. Developers can use plugins, themes, and third-party tools to add functionality and customize the look and feel of their website.
  • Security: Jekyll is secure by default, as it does not rely on a database or server-side scripting. This makes it less vulnerable to security exploits and attacks.

However, Jekyll also has some drawbacks that developers should be aware of:

  • Limited functionality: Jekyll is a static site generator and does not support dynamic functionality, such as user authentication, forms, or database interactions. Developers may need to use third-party services or tools to add such functionality.
  • Steep learning curve for advanced features: While Jekyll is easy to learn for basic functionality, it can be challenging to use for more advanced features, such as custom plugins or complex layouts.
  • Debugging issues can be difficult: Debugging issues with Jekyll can be difficult, especially for developers who are not familiar with the Ruby programming language.


Jekyll is a powerful tool that can help developers build fast, secure, and scalable websites. By using plain text files, templates, and a simple templating language, developers can create dynamic websites without the need for a database or server-side scripting. While Jekyll has some limitations, its benefits outweigh its drawbacks for most use cases. If you’re a developer looking to build a fast and scalable website, Jekyll is definitely worth considering.