5 Reasons Why Jekyll Is A Static Website

Jekyll is a tool that is used to create static websites. Some of the reasons why websites created through Jekyll are static website are:

  1. No server-side scripting: Unlike dynamic websites, which require server-side scripting to generate pages on the fly, static websites are pre-built and stored on the server as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Jekyll generates static HTML files from plain text files, which means there is no need for server-side scripting.

  2. No database: Jekyll does not rely on a database to store content. Instead, it uses simple text files (usually written in Markdown) to create pages and posts. This means that the content is portable and can be easily moved to another server without the need to export or import data from a database.

  3. No CMS: Jekyll does not have a built-in content management system (CMS) like WordPress or Drupal. Instead, it uses a file-based approach to managing content. This means that content authors can create and edit pages and posts using a simple text editor, rather than a complex CMS interface.

  4. Fast performance: Since Jekyll generates static HTML files, it can serve pages much faster than dynamic websites that require server-side processing. This means that Jekyll sites can load quickly, even on slow connections or low-powered devices.

  5. Hosting flexibility: Jekyll sites can be hosted on a wide range of platforms, including GitHub Pages, Netlify, AWS, and many others. Because Jekyll sites are just static files, they can be hosted on almost any web server that supports HTTP.

Overall, Jekyll’s static website approach offers many benefits, including simplicity, security, speed, and flexibility.